Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Hello from Macha!

Each M, W, F we have been traveling about an hour to a mission hospital in a town called Macha. This week, we are staying at their “guest house,” (like a hotel) until Friday afternoon. Internet is limited, that’s why I haven’t been updating. I have so many stories I could tell you and different emotions that have been felt during this time here, but my mind nor fingers have enough energy to write it all down to you, so I’ll do my best to summarize and hopefully later the students can give you a more individualized story.
I think it would be safe to say the highlight of most the students experience has been delivering a baby. Almost every student (including myself last night!) have delivered one all by themselves, with another nursing student assisting, a Zambian nurse instructing and myself standing by. However, there are SOME stories of students doing night shifts, and babies being delivered into their hands unexpectedly with no nurse ;) I believe Taylor who has never even seen a birth, delivered her first baby last night all on her own, while Emily ran to find a nurse, when they came back the baby was in Taylor’s hands, cord still attached and all!
Some days have been rough. I believe we really have left our blood sweat and tears here in Zambia. It’s very hot right now. I personally opt to take cold showers just to cool off at night. We sweat a lot. There are frequent tears. We see adults, children, and infants dying. Sometimes all we can do it pray with them because without proper resources there is not much that can be done, but we can always be a presence in their life. The students have grown so much. Everyday there is a reason to be frustrated, confused and sad, but we are all learning together how to deal with them. Prof Pam Leslie is back at home now, and we have prof Jerilynn Spring who is  nurse practitioner. The students love having her here, she quizzes them and keeps them on their toes. There are many fun experiences the students get to enjoy while they are here too that are not all medical related (I will let them fill you in). It’s safe to say, things are going great! Hope you are enjoying your fall, we are all extremely jealous we don’t get to enjoy the falling leaves and pumpkin spice lattes! (okay that might just be me ;)
Sincerely, Bethany

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